
My leadership mentor encouraged me to start posting my blogs as it would help me find my voice. “Just Start!” she said. Seemed easy for her to say, established in her career, sure of herself as a woman, contributor and leader. 

A lightbulb went off though. I have ruminated for hours, weeks, months even to I have something I can be proud of. I continue to let perfect be the enemy of good. I often hope for the journey’s end without recognizing the need (and value!) in walking down the path. 

I wanted to wait for the exact right time, provide the exact right value to my exact right audience. I wanted to come across as powerful and commanding, yet compassionate and understanding. As I hashed out the most organized and ambitious launch calendar ever, I realized I still wasn’t even sure what value I could add to the world, and her words “just start” kept ringing in my ears. So, here I am! Welcome!

I envision that you will see a few things on this page. I’ll post on client experience, ways to develop your role as an intrepreneur (yes, intrepreneur), systems I’ve implemented to optimize motherhood & my career, and most definitely a few recipes here and there.

In the next few months I hope to launch a few slots for 1:1 mentoring. I’d love to learn if there are ways I can provide value from my experience.

Thanks again for stopping by!


Intuition can be a skill